Field Archery Australia

What is F.A.A.

Field Archery Australia (FAA) is the sport division of the National Organisation (Australian Bowhunters Association). The A.B.A. Inc. is Recognised as the controlling body for the development of Field Archery in Australia.

Aims & Objectives

  • To promote the status of Field Archery to a high level of acceptance and recognition in Australia.
  • To maintain a Code of Ethics for the sport of Field Archery and to educate members and non members alike to attain and uphold that standard.
  • To promote and preserve the less sophisticated forms of instinctive archery whilst allowing for, and developing the more competitive and sophisticated schools of archery.
  • To promote organised Field Archery Tournaments and Competition at all levels.

Benefits Include

  • Public Risk Liability Cover for all authorised Field Archery activities.
  • Organised competition at Club, Branch, State, National and International levels.
  • Be a part of an Organisation that works for the recognition of the sport at all levels through affiliation with:



  • Individual membership is available and club membership of one of our many affiliated Field Archery clubs is encouraged.
  • Affiliated Clubs are involved in the promotion and development of this sport as well as seeking to provide a friendly and social atmosphere for all to enjoy.
  • Field Archery is one of the few sports which has full participation irrespective of age or sex. The majority of members join as family group with female participation as strong as the male - at all ages.


  • The Australian Barebow and Australian Field Archery Championships and The Australian 3D Championships are conducted annually by the National Body which confers Titles to the winners in separate Skill and Equipment Divisions.
  • Branch and State Field Archery Championships, as well as regular Interclub shoots are a feature of formal competition avenues. Within the three major competition disciplines in excess of 180 competitons are staged each year throughout Australia.
  • Competitions by mail are annual events. Novelty events such as Axe and Knife throwing, Archery Darts and others are organised for the participation of the entire family.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

What Is The International Field Archery Association (I.F.A.A.)?

In 1969 the I.F.A.A. became the International governing body for the game of Field Archery; providing for both amateur and professional competition.

Can An Individual Join The I.F.A.A.?

The IFAA does not have individual memberships but accepts National affiliations. As a member of F.A.A. you are automatically eligible to participate in I.F.A.A. activities.

Does The I.F.A.A. Offer Regional And International Field Competition?

The I.F.A.A. sanctions the World Field Archery Championship which is held each even numbered year. There are Regional Field Archery Championships held every year; making international tournaments available world-wide.

Who Can Compete In World And Regional Field Archery Championships?

Any member of a National Field Archery Association that is affiliated with the I.F.A.A. can compete at the World Field Archery Championships as a selected member of an Australian Team or as an individual entry. All members of the National Field Associations in a particular region of the world can compete in that Regional Field Championship.

What Archery Equipment Is Recognised By The IFAA?

The IFAA has divisions and grades of competition that allow the use of recurves, longbows and compounds either shot instinctively or utilising the range of modern release aids, sighting aids, stabilisers etc.