Branch I - South Australia


Branch Executive
To email any of the Branch Executive please click on their name

 Brett Raymond  Branch Controller
 Glenn Hanemann
 Field Representative
  Lindy Allen Secretary
  Hazel Kirlew Treasurer
  Ron Aerts
 Score Recorder

Clubs in Branch I

Clicking on the club name will take you to the clubs Facebook page where they have one so you can enquire directly with the club

Border Bowmen  Bordertown
 Lower Eyre Archers Inc  Coulta
 Mallee Sunset Field Archers  Mildura
 Murray Mallee Field Archers  Mannum
 Penfield Archery Club  Adelaide
 Playford Districts Field Archers  Penfield
 Silver City Archers Broken Hill
Southern Yorke Archers  Minlaton
 York Peninsula Field Archers  Kadina