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ABA100The Australian Bowhunters Association has been aware of the proposal from the South Australian State Government to ban the use of Bows and Crossbows to hunt animals in the State of South Australia.

It is apparent that the current South Australian State government has, without any consultation from key stakeholder groups, chosen to ignore the communications of many members of the bowhunting and hunting community while not issuing any statement or reason as to why this ban should be implemented. They continue to ignore the recommendations of the 2021 inquiry into bow and crossbow hunting.

ABA has registered as a stakeholder in the consultation process to get the best outcome we can for Bowhunting in S.A.

Association Information

Australian Bowhunters Association
PO Box 152 Redbank QLD 4301
Phone: 07 3256 3976

Office hours: 9.00am to 5.00pm
Monday to Friday
Due to Archery Commitments, these times may vary

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